My life and career leading up to starting Pawfect Paws Mobile Spa has always revolved around animals, they’re my obsession. From volunteering on a stable farm when I was very young and learning to horse ride, to working in a cattery whenever I could whilst at school. It has and is the theme of my life which was the driver behind my college education choice, animal welfare. During the course I was given a fantastic opportunity to have work experience on the shop floor in Pets at Home which eventually led me into the Groom Room where I stayed for approximately 5 years. I also had a small stint working as a mobile dog groomer before, so I knew pretty well how it all pieced together.
My career then changed pretty dramatically about 2 years ago when I decided to start a role in a recruitment company supporting consultants and working in payroll and about a year after this I realised that this is not what I wanted to do.
I wanted to have my own business, where I was in control and where I could once again be out and about, meeting people and my fluffy friends. It was only once I was out of the grooming industry that I realised that it was the only thing for me. I had spent 5 years learning everything from many different grooming professionals and I knew I didn’t want to throw that skill away.
With a little encouragement around January 2020 I started working towards building my mobile dog grooming business.
I bought my van early March 2020 and had my conversion booked in just a few weeks afterwards. Everything was set for the launch of my amazing new business for May 2020… Then we all know what happens in March 2020.
The conversion company I had chosen held me off for weeks but they couldn’t sustain the impact that Covid had on their business and went into liquidation. I found a new company to complete the conversion and finally in September 2020 I was at their doorstep with my van ready to be transformed! We had an 8-10 week lead time which turned out to be around 14 weeks in total and I finally collected my fully converted mobile grooming spa in December 2020, about 6 months later than it should have been.
The wrapping of the van was booked in for 2 weeks following the completion of our van conversion and the wrap was completed without a single hiccup (thankfully!) and our start date at this point was set for 04th January 2021, almost 1 year since the idea came about.
Covid and my business idea was not a match made in heaven. It was a constant struggle but in the end everything came together and all of the ups and downs I had are now seen as a pretty amazing journey and the fact that it is all here in front of me is just incredible.
Thank you to everything who made this possible and thank you to all of my amazing customers who’re booking with me. I can’t wait to meet you all from a distance and make all of your fluffy friends look and smell incredible like these cuties below!
Here’s to an extraordinary 2021.
Love Rosie x